Artist's Biography
Artist Statement/Biography

“Art has always been part of my life!”
Marie Neys has always challenged herself to study. Many of the art styles she has mastered include acrylics, ink & rouge, pen & ink, pastels, watercolour, sculpture, pottery and calligraphy.
Marie divides her time between the rolling hills, vast plains and big sky country of Southern Alberta and the towering trees, cool breezes and unending ocean of West Coast British Columbia.
Both Inspire her!
When On Bowen Island, you will find Marie walking the Cape Sea Walk, down on the Beaches of Tunstall Bay and meandering the many trails that are inland amongst the towering cedars, hemlock and Douglas fir.
Marie works in Oils. Beginning with thin layers to create a blended, watercolour effect, transitioning to thick impasto strokes with smaller brushes or palette knives. Most paintings are created Ala Prima (in one session) so I work fast to capture the moment/mood. Her Palette of Pthalo Blue, Transparent Red Iron Oxide, Sap Green, etc. meld to create the art rich in hue and texture.
Her Current West Coast Series includes “West Coast Dreamin, The Beach is My Home, Broken Islands w Logs, To the Beach and more” This is an ongoing series, comprised of over 20 paintings. Her current medium Oil on Canvas, showcases bold, accurate color, & immediacy with impasto palette knife & brush strokes.
To view more of Marie’s work please also LIKE her Facebook page and follow her on Instagram.
When you meet Marie you will realize there are 2 forces that drive her artistic side. The creation of art and the business of selling art. You may find yourself getting caught up in that passion.
Many have said they learn something about themselves as either an artist or collector after meeting her.
Marie is thrilled that her work is showcased at Catching Stars Gallery, Bowen Island, BC, The Hearth Gallery, Bowen Island, BC
and the Salish Sea Market, Bowser, BC.
Should you wish to contact her about art, instruction, or framing of your own art pieces, or for further information, please do so.
She appreciates your consideration of her art.
Questions and Answers:
What Inspires you?
I’m inspired by the beauty of the West Coast of British Columbia and the vast open Prairies of Southern Alberta...
Living on Bowen Island allows me to divide my time between the Forest Walks amongst Tall Trees of Cedar, Hemlock, & Douglas Fir and the Beaches where Orcas, Humpbacks and Herons play!
How did you find yourself doing the work your are doing?
I have a degree in Business with a Major In Marketing…but I found myself being drawn to the arts from a very early age. I have challenged myself to make a life long career of painting, creating, instructing and marketing art!
Why do you Paint?
My goal is to capture the West Coast and Alberta Prairies in all their glory.
Who are your Mentors?
The incredible guidance of Artist /Owner, Gene Prokop, of Pro’s Art Atelier in Edmonton, Alberta would be my biggest creative influence. He taught me to slow down, see the shapes, forms and pop the painting with colours that will create mood.
What are Other creative influences?
These would include the vastness of the Pacific Ocean with its deep rich colours & glory. The height of the Rainforest Trees – up to 180 feet and the spicy scent they offer up. The wind and Big Sky of Alberta. and of course the solitude when I paint... being in the "Zone" is a rare and special gift.