Collection: Art Classes

Currently, Marie Neys is not Teaching Classes, but if you wish to find out about upcoming Workshops please contact her at

NOTE:  You are welcome to bring your own supplies or use mine (fee will depend on what is needed) 
Regular Supplies include:
Canvas (or other surface) to paint on
Brushes (assorted including flats, filberts, rounds, fans, etc) Synthetic and or hog bristle
Wet Palette
Acrylic Paints including White, Payne's Grey, Primary Yellow/Red/Blue, Earth tones including Burnt Umber, Raw Umber, Burnt Sienna, Raw Sienna, Yellow Ochre, etc. but with our 3 primaries we can mix most of what we need.
Other supplies:  paper towel, que tips, note book for writing notes, pencil, eraser (kneaded), masking tape, tracing paper, graphite paper, Brush Basin, Stylus etc. 

3 products